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I interned with Texas Instruments remotely over the summer of 2020. Texas Instruments is a leader in the semiconductor industry. I worked on automating lab equipment in the high-speed signal-conditioning group. I wrote four python libraries to remotely control bit error rate testers with a simple GUI. 

Internship 2020 | Texas Instruments: Welcome


At Texas Instruments, I wrote code to issue commands to two unique bit error rate testers or BERTs. The libraries are capable of controlling the devices via scripts or a graphical interface. A popular open source python library called Tkinter was used to create the user interfaces. This project allows test engineers to use the devices without learning the specifics of the equipment. Also, it enables remote work, automation, and testing parallelization.  The libraries inherit from an existing abstraction for lab equipment, so they are interchangeable with libraries in existing test scripts. The GUI libraries also fit into a larger framework, so they can be run as options in a program that is used to interface with all lab equipment.

Internship 2020 | Texas Instruments: Welcome
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